So he's brighter then will be @ the final stage. James shaded basecoat technique started to click at the end of this model, when I accidentally mixed some red and brown into the blues, and it started looking awesome.
I had to stop though (just gave myself a two hour window last night). I tend to get a bit carried away when I paint, and suddenly four hours are gone. (It's a great problem to have :) )
I think this because I didn't think I could finish the Tuska list in a few months, and really want to do an amazing job on it. To finish the LVO list, I just have to buy a single stompa, and paint the stompa, two gorks, a deff dread, and finish some old killa kans. Much smaller to do list!
Flamebelcha (Hull) (str 6, ap3, hellstorm)
Titan Close Combat Weapon (Str D, AP1)
Deff Kannon (Str 10, Ap1, Massive Blast 7", 72")
Gigashoota (Str 6, AP4, 6D6, "48")
(Put the actual weapon specs, cause I had no idea what they did either)
Basically the stompa is more of a fun stompa. No ranged D. The hellstorm isn't much worse then a heldrake, and the massive blast...well that will probably kill more of my stuff then anything else!
Dread Mob: (D3 hammer of wraths)
Big Mek with Super Forcefield (4++ for the stompa, making him a super knight)
Painboy (because they make you take him)
2x Gorkanauts (with grot riggers)
3x Deff dreads (two with rokkits, one with skorchas) [all with grot riggers]
9x killa kans (two set rokkits, one set grotzookas)