I did finally fall in love with these once I figured out the mega nob jaw would fit under the heads, creating the full ork look. Without the jaw the face just kinda of hangs there, and didn't look right. The reason these guys are on 60mm bases is because they are deff dreads (2 big shoota, 1 kmb, 1 saw), and I wysiwig'd them to work as such!
Hey everyone! Hope you are all doing fantastic, and are super excited for the upcoming Nova Open! I know I am! I've been horrible with updating the blog, as most of my energy now flows into twitter, but I thought I would update you all just the same! I've got a slew of new models to show off today! First my friends, I'd like to show off my looted armigers. I picked up a trio of armiger kits awhile back, in the hopes of eventually building them up as deff dreads to fit with the similar looted knight setup as the rest of the army. They saw some initial modification, then I hit a brick wall, because their design is subtly different then the bigger knights, and I couldn't quite get a handle on converting them. I finally lit a fire up under my butt in the past month when I realized I really did not like my old bad moon deff dreads, and either going with a whole nother kit of deff dreads, or working the armigers up was going to have to happen. I did finally fall in love with these once I figured out the mega nob jaw would fit under the heads, creating the full ork look. Without the jaw the face just kinda of hangs there, and didn't look right. The reason these guys are on 60mm bases is because they are deff dreads (2 big shoota, 1 kmb, 1 saw), and I wysiwig'd them to work as such! Here is a shot of the three of them together. I tried to vary the armor plates, configuration of the exhausts, big shoota types, and claws/saws to add some variety and break them up a bit. Lots of little gubbins and changes like I normally do! Then we come to the big big guy! I'm super happy with how he came out. When the new chaos knight kit came out, I had to get it and make up another looted knight. This is a counts as Morkanaut, so I have four total now (2 mork, 2 gork). I had a lot of fun converting this one. I was building struts, flipping titan weapons around, all sorts of goodies. What is really crazy is just how far the weathering technique has come since I first did the yellow banana orks. Wow what a difference now. It's like HD vs SD chipping! I love how each one of the knights tends to take on a bit of characteristic. This one feels a bit like the jet pack deff dread, as he's a bit bruiser, bent low and ready to charge in. Last but not least, some army shots for you all. I had to tweak the top shelf to get everyone to fit, but they made it! I'm going to need a bigger tablewar case just to hold all these guys. It takes two right now! I'll be in both Trios and Narrative at Nova, so please stop by and say hi! Hope you are all having a great hobby time, and I'll talk to you soon!
January 2025