We rolled off for teams. Shantz and Jeremy (Dark Eldar and Eldar [new codex]) ended up on one team. Macathu (necron) and I (orks) on the other. We played the Nova mission where there is an objective in each table quarter (center), with the relic in the middle of the board. The relic is worth 5 points at the end, and objectives in your opponents zone are worth 2 each, and 1 each in your own.
My list basically consisted of two grot squads, a mega armored warboss with lucky stix. Meganobz in a battle wagon, a bomber, and max squad of lootas. I'll eventually type one of these up properly and put up on battle directory, but this is a quick one.
The crafty lootas draw line of sight through a window of a building, and knock off two hull points on the wave serpent on the opening barrage. The battle wagon zooms up daring anyone to shoot at it. Macathu positions units to support the center. (photos of the triarch stalker in construction will be moving around, as he was gluing it as we played).
So the mega nobz come under fire from the opposing side, as hey, they are holding the relic. They take a few wounds but survive. Then get back into the battle wagon with the relic (haha suckers!) and start backing up, proudly showcasing that orks can strategically retreat, but only while reversing at a snails pace.
The bomber comes in, zooms on, and drops a bomb on the wave serpent and fails to pen it. The loota's (in anger), then blow up the wave serpent. A unit of fire dragons gets out, and proceeds to melta the bomber out of the sky, which then promptly crashes into them killing one.
All this while, a single reaver and single immortal have been fighting every round, while the reaver flys into the immortal over and over again. Eventually the reaver wins, and goes and runs off to hide.
Feeling pretty confident in our position, I adjust my troops, and bring some grots on, only to have swooping hawks appear and drop bombs on the lootas, and wipe out my grots...then disappear as quickly as they came. I then sudder in horror as a Web way portal opens up, and a haemy and five grotescues all show up with liquifiers and hit the battle wagon...which is open topped, and then roll a 1 on the AP table.
Luckily for me, the liquidfier is str 3, so only I lose four mega nobz. One of which drops the relic outside the wagon in his death throes.
Now the battle for the center is on. Everything comes in from reserve, and it's juts a massive slug fest to see who can grab the relic. Shantz brings his raider in full of warriors, and it doesn't scatter...and we pour all our firepower into it. He makes 22 of 23 cover saves.... It finally blows up when I charge it with the warboss. (jink this!).
With such a melee in the center, we didn't notice Shantz zooming his final jetbike to snag an objective in our zone. If the game ends, they win (really well played). If it continues, we win. They roll to continue the game, and Shantz finally rolls high, continuing the game, which gives us the Win!
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