Hey everyone! Though I haven't been blogging as often, I've been crazy active on twitter and instagram. Trying to figure out a way where I can update all locations at once, so it isn't as much work to constantly ping between them. I might start using the blog for finished pieces, and the recipes for making said pieces, along with major events. Kinda of a repository of where the armies of Greggles is going, and where Greggles has gone! With that being said, I've got some photos of one of the projects I just finished. You might be wondering...but Greggles. I know you finished this guy years ago??? But wait, why don't I see him in any battle reports, or in the past few years? Well two reasons. First off, notice his claw arm? Guess who got that claw arm...that's right, the grot knight. That left the Ork knight with just a weedy imperial knight sword...which just looks pathetic. He also doesn't have the weapons configuration of the morkanaut I play him as. Even though these models are heavily converted, I like to WYSIWYG so they are at least representative of the actual model I'm playing with. Since the grot knight got all the love, I put the Ork knight away in the glass shelf, and he's sat there for years. Well not anymore! The biggest change right away you'll notice, is he's got legit weapons now. That imperial knight sword had to go, it was just a sad excuse for a weapon. You'd think a space marine was swinging it around. So I did some measuring and figured out the Stompa arm should work. I had a meka dread arm (supa zappa) laying around from a miscast replacement, so put that to work as a replacement mega blasta. The stompa arm and the meka blasta arm are practically the exact same length, so they worked really well together. You can also see where the KFF went for the morkanaut. It's now on the backside, hooked to a console system. I also added the two rokkit packs, the normal mega blasta (under the mega mega blasta), a second turreted gun, and two chin guns. The whole model then got a work over with chipping (which it never had before), and a rework of powders. So I don't forget in the future, the skeleton recipe is....Vallejo Black Metal. Vallejo Gun Metal. Vallejo Steel. Balthsar Gold and Warplock Bronze. Army Painter Strong Wash. Ironbreaker Dry Brush. Army painter Dark Wash. Matte Varnish. Vallejo Alumnium, and Sycorax Bronze. Some extra shots for you. Oh and get this...I was going back and forth wracking my head on doing glow effects for some of the weapons. I hate painting "nearly finished" models. Then I thought to myself...what goes on a mini extremely easy and is super easy to take off is you don't like it? WEATHERING POWDERS. The weathering powder effect came out so nice. Super pleased with it! (Probably could put some more on the back, but I decided this guy is done, so he's done!) What else is on the work bench? I'm still working on converting the Valiant Knight. It's slow going. Having a heap of trouble with getting the shoulder turrets to look right...plus it's got an interactive base (made not resin), all sorts of craziness. Look for updates on that on twitter and insta! Until next time my friends!
January 2025