Featuring the finally finished Flying Deff Dread. Some super awesome photos I just had to share! (And some lovely words!)
Welcome my friends! This week is all about the knights, with a bit of Nova auction fun at the end! Grab your grots and scrap and lets dive right in! Last bits of conversions since we last talked. Someone mentioned the lame imperial exhausts and said I should stompa it up. Well stompa exhausts were expensive...but guess what wasn't expensive...the khorne lord of war super tank choppy extravangza exhausts. Got eight for 3 or 4 dollars. They worked really well to add some height and break up the knighty look. I also fashioned a missile launcher from a taurox kit, and some ork rokkits (it'll show up later in the blog with more pieces). It fit perfectly in the space! Lots of other subtle pieces here and there. Doors on the back, bits and glyphs here and there, more guns on the gun. And did a super shoota and mega shoota to replace the lame looking stubber. Also had some fun with the "heraldy shields". Hehe. Here is a shot of the crew after wash and zenilthal highlighting. The dakka knight is piloted by grots (because it has better aim), and the CC knight has the boy/nob as the pilot and nobody else. The grots also have a squig, because somebody needed to hold the chain that keeps the big gun arm up! I might also have one more grot, depends on time. Can always add them later! Primer and base coat (umber brown) on the armor plates. Primer on the knights! (and also dropping them on the floor at least three times...it is way to easy to knock those guys over). First skin coat on the crews! Ere we Go! Knight skeletons getting three passes of metal. First black metal (vallejo air), then gun metal (vallejo air), then finally steel (vallejo air). Just giving it a zenithal so its not the same tone all over the skeleton. Some shots of the knights in various stages of the metal spraying process. Now you should be able to make out some more details! As well as the finished missile launcher! Bit of a mockup with the armor plates and the super bright skeleton. Don't worry, it'll be toned WAY down. Go super contrasty earlier, looks better later :). I might replace the left shoulder (knights right) with another stompa head piece if I can find one in time. I like hte smaller shoulders better, as they show more of the under arm. On the armor plates, I'm following the Nova charity setup, as I loved how it came out after it was chipped (and it is about 20x faster then my old method). Base in umber brown. Stipple beast brown, then clear orange (or equivalent). Then dry brush of ironbreaker, followed by an acrylic gloss seal. This is where I ended at them yesterday, and I'll be doing the chipping spray on friday, followed by yellowing/chipping on Saturday! Still not done! (was a super productive week!). Then I went back on one of the knights, and hit up all the cables in red/purple (depending on side), followed by copper on various bits to add interest. Then I washed the ENTIRE SKELETON in strong tone from army painter. It took about half a bottle. The knight on the left is the one that is washed in all the photos. You can see the drastic different in tone already. This is just the first wash. I'm now going to add a bit of highlight to various bits, then wash the knight again with dark tone, then highlight edges with vallejo alumnium. Should give a nice dark/dirty metal that I can weather and work on more in the future (time is running out!). Finished the skin on the grots and the ork boy, and started on the yellows. Few what an update. Lots of forward progress but boy is it exhausting. Nothing like hitting all the cables on a knight, then noticing you have a second one sitting there! Pretty happy though, as worse case scenario, they are good to play with at this point! I'm still not done though! Dave Taylor posted an update on the Nova Blog Featuring the finally finished Flying Deff Dread. Some super awesome photos I just had to share! (And some lovely words!) Please purchase a raffle ticket if you haven't yet to support this great cause! (plus I want the ork army to sell out first because #orks are best!) Thanks for visiting everyone! Have a great week!
January 2025