Nova Open GT Practice: The Scouring

Eldar 1850 |

Ork 1850 |
Deployment (Hammer and Anvil)
Turn 1: Eldar/Orks
Turn 2: Orks/Eldar
The Eldar turn on their targeting computers. Todd realizes if he doesn't wipe out a lot of dreads on this turn, he's going to have a very bad Turn 3. In particular, the mega dread is kitted out with triple flamers, one of which is str 6 AP3. So as you can guess, with 20+ str 8 (BS5 and guided depending on the unit), The Eldar go to work! Bring out the tea lights boyz! Gonna be distracting the panzees with flashy lights! When the dust has settled, a deff dread and the mega dread have bit it.
At this point, I am getting a bit tired, so the images bunch up a bit
Turn 3: Orks/Eldar
The warboss charges into the warp spiders, and kills four, but they auto pass morale, and hit and run away. He consolidates back onto the objective.
At this point, I am getting a bit tired, so the images go slightly out of order (I forgot to take a photo every turn)
The zip zooming flyer comes on and combined with the hornets, takes out the morkanaut who yells at it angrily because it finally got to kill something.
Turn 4: Orks/Eldar
The gorkanaut slams into the wave serpent yelling "Remember when I couldn't kill these things?? BOOM!" He consolidates towards the fire dragons. (Todd is very good at using his vehicles to block the walkers. 6 inch move means I have to go through the vehicles to get to the infantry. The killa kans shoot some bikes. They know I don't like them anymore, so they miss on purpose.
Todd shifts his units around for a turn 5 play. He wipes out the remaining killa kans on the left side (i think one was still alive). He can't draw line of sight to anything else because he blew it all up. (haha take that! The ultimate strategy!)
Turn 5: Orks/Eldar
Todd splits all his IC's from his bike squads, so he can cover every objective on the board in one move. Everything that doesn't jump on an objective shoots the gorkanaut, who blows up in ultra slow motion, inspiring all the remaining orks to paint the other walkers.
Todd is able to tie me on primary by holding enough objectives to score 9 points. Now to be fair, we totally forgot to score the objectives, so we just "guessed" it was enough. Either way Todd had enough firepower to clean the planet free of everything but all the rusty dread parts which would slowly give him tetanus, and result in joint pain for the rest of the space elves existence.
Final score 15-9 (tied primary 9-9, Todd got all his secondary objectives) (I didn't get tabled, and scored more! getting better! :) )
Winner and Still Champion (for now) Todd's Shiny Space Elves!

Revised Narrative |