There is a time in every painters mind, when he looks at his army, and goes "Hrm, those guys don't look quite like the other" and makes an exhausting and time intensive decision to completely redo the "different" models. After playing with Todd over at Sincain40k, I wasn't happy with seven of the dreads. They were in an old scheme, and looked wildly out of place. Well I decided to weather them up to match the other dreads. First off, the Army Shot! This is the glorious army I've bringing to LVO Narrative! It's BROWN! :) I'm pretty happy with them now, as at least they are all in similar tones, and look like they belong together. The stompa is also rusted up, but i haven't been able to seal him next to start the next phases (it has been around -10C lately!) But not entirely. Wait till you see the next shots! First off, lets look at the first dreads I ever painted. Not too bad, but definitely not fitting in with the other ork walkers. So I went to the powders of secret weapon, and asked them nicely if they could help me. I took enough photos to write up a little tutorial if anyone is interested, but I'm a little tied for time right now (leaving for vegas soon!). Oh heck, I'll do a mini tutorial! Take some weather powders, scoop it in a cup. Add some water. Add a drop of two of thinner (flow aid), swish it around until its slurry. Apply to model. Random applications are best if going for a rust effect. Let dry completely, then repeat the process with the next rust/powder color. Eventually the model will look all sorts of weird. Don't worry. Apply some stippled dry brush with ryza rust and random green/blues to break up the tones, and to mix up the dry powders (REMEMBER VENTILATION!). Last, make up random washes that look cool, and apply to the model to help fix the powder (or actually fix it if you aren't in a rush). Here is a little video by misterjustin over at secret weapon, for additional steps and information. (I was using this as a crass method...his is way more controlled!) So what does this get you? Absolutely lovely grimy and character filled weathering! I was a little heavy handed with the first batch (these are also glued in place, so I didn't have as much control), but the resulting effect is awesome!. On this group, I was a bit more careful with my application, and payed a lot more attention to the powders, and how they interacted. If you are at LVO, you gotta come check out the subtle's insane. It is so lovely! This guy came out so good . I was in awe. And last but not least... I included a close up shot, so you guys could get an idea of all the subtle textures going on. The entire model looks like these...all sorts of color's just lovely. It's my hope that the entire army will be at a much higher standard then this by Nova. (As I plan to do something like this after doing subtractive weathering on the other walkers!) With that, I'm off to Las Vegas. If you guys are in attendance, please stop by and say hi! I'll be the guy with the orange stompa. The Feed Your Nerd Case.... And a table covered in explosion markers. (please mute the audio, I tried to chuckle and it sounds soooo creepy) Until then, see you guys later, and thanks for all the constant support and feedback. You have fueled both my creativity, and my drive to complete models like never before. I couldn't have done it without you guys! (Also I'm @3dgreg on twitter if you want to meet up at LVO)
January 2025