Hey my friends! Welcome to the great Waaaagh! Another week of painting occurred! Now the green finally goes on, and you see how great redoubts new scheme is utterly fantastic and so bright and vibrant! So bright and vibrant! I just love it! Just zenithal + army painter strong tone + lamenters yellow + green (whatever the new gw green wash is), who dis boss? Looking nice and super vibrant green! Experimented with trying blue and second green washes to differentiate the nobz/warbosses. Second coat of green makes them look like comic book hulk, so that is what all the bosses will be sporting! Pretty pleased with how this is all turning out! can see me starting on the weird boy in the back! Whats done so far! (no that can't be a necron, look away!). This also came :). Thanks Ministomp! Hope you are all having an amazing week!
August 2019