Colin had a number of wicked things in his list, including a void shield relay network, which rendered all my shooting pretty much mute! This was going to be an absolute slug fest back and forth
The Mechromancer Daemonic Delivery Service vs Trust in Rust
Narrative Rules and Supplements |
Primary: Objectives: Last hold turn 5, last contest turn 6.
Secondary: Marked for Death, If you kill me you lose points, and something with wrecked markers (Will put in colin's later)
Deployment: Dawn of War
Nightfighting: Can't remember
Trust in Rust |
Mechromancer Delivery Special |
[Note: The red tokens in the center are a secret objective for Colin. For each red objective he touched, his team got a "bonus" card in the next mission]
I think Colin went first. I deployed as I always deployed. Big walkers in front, second and third waves behind. I'm a bit limited in my deployment strategies due to the footprint the army takes up. Colin has a lot of large blasts (str 8, ordnance), so I try to space the walkers out so it's unlikely he'll clip more then 2 in a blast. His back field is setup under six void shields (plus extras due to his bonus cards I think!...oh bonus cards are handed out if your team is doing bad in the narrative, they buff/boost the team that is losing ground to keep it interesting!).
One thing saves me though...his fun little trick is that fuel pipe system. Turning all his flamers into torrent weapons. Guess what doesn't care about low strength flamers? That's right! Bunch of walkers! I scout the bikes up on the left flank, to try and go access to the void shield shiny bits.
Turn 1: The Orks Advance!
Turn 2: Here Comes The Fun!
Turn 3: The Dreads Reach Close Combat!
The melta'd gorkanaut rips into the chaos bikers, and then consolidates towards the spawn combat with just a few hull points remaining. At this point, all the chaos bikers are dead and send back to to the looting factory.
Alas the poor mega dread...the chaos walker swings at init 3, and the mega dread is cleaved in half and explodes brilliantly, crying about how he never got his pilot painted, and it's all my fault.
Not pictured: An epic combat ensues between the killa kans in the back, and some nurglings that dropped down. The killa kans win, and feel extremely proud about beating up a bunch of nurglings.
Also not pictured: A group of flamers gets eviscerated by a deff dread and some killa kans, slowing down my right flank (good move Colin!). The killa kans are really proud of their work, since htey usually don't do anything, and cry about it on the internet.
Turn 4: The Tide...Turns?
I should point out that there was an obliterator firing the entire game, and I don't think he actually did anything. He feels really bad, so I wanted to mention him so he feels even worse for failing his team.
Turn 5: The Third and Angriest Waves Hit
Colin pulls back his Soul grinder, realizing that his space marines are vulnerable (which are holding onto a point). This blocking maneuver prevents me from reaching them this turn (and was a solid tactical move!) He throws the other soul grinder into combat with the one armed deff dread "Sir Magnificent".
I throw every dread in range at the other soul grinder. He dies at the cost of 2 hp and an arm to the deff dread, but the Kan's make it behind his lines. (At this point the kans are ecstatic, and can't wait to tell everyone what happened). [One of the kans immobilizes himself on a wreck...he doesn't get to tell the story)
The other killa kans kill the spawn which has been annihilating things the entire game, and get a massive 6 inch consolidation towards the nurgling spawn!
But wait....Greg what happened to Lord Fancy Claw the Deff Dread? Did he die?
No my friends. He did not. You can't Kill Emperor shiny Mc Buzzerson. He went down to a single hull point. Then immobolized the Soul Grinder :).
Turn 6: And The Winner Is......
The killa kan swings.
The killa kan hits.
The killa kan rolls a 1 to wound.
Game over! Colin Wins!
To call this an awesome game is an understatement. We had so much fun it was ridiculous. A totally awesome game with a great player! So glad I finally got to match up vs Colin! We've already planned for a rematch in the future, and I can't wait to play him again! These are the types of games that can completely revitalize your love of the game. Back and forth epic combats, with no idea who is going to win until the very last battle of the last turn! Thanks for reading guys! Hope you enjoyed it. One left, and it was just as epic :).
Bonus Round: MVP's
My MVP was definitely that Giant Spawn, as he chewed through the bikerz, then polished off the Something-Naut with a lucky Smash! attack. (That's nearly 500 points of models for an 80 point one!)
The Killa Kans. They Killed Colin's Warlord, Killed the Spawn. Killed a defiler, knocked chaos marines off their objective, broke through the left flank, killed the outflanking nurglings...and almost tied the game except for the very last roll!