One thing I'm still not happy with is the faces. I can't quite get the eyes right and it was driving me bonkers. I eventually left it as it is for now and didn't varnish the heads. If anyone has some suggestions for painting eyes, I'm up for them!

The big base is for a knight titan, while the others are for doing projects for my orks, and macuthu's necrons.
I also picked up some resin barriers (will use forgeworld for the rest probably), and some ammo belts. Jeff was particularly generous and threw in some power cables as well. Thanks Jeff! I also got some chain to work in with the large dread (and future knight) models. Templars love to chain their weapons to themselves, so it should make for some interesting modeling opportunities.

They took a simple png file, and made the dice with the templar cross on the 6. They came out really nice. Now I'm thinking of getting some inverse colored versions, so I can mix/match for various rolls.
That adventure and excitement will be posted later this week! Thanks for stopping by!