I threw some blu-tact on the arms so you can see the model as it stands.
Almost all the base coats are now done.
1) Codex grey line work, followed by Administratum grey.
2) Washes on the metals, followed by Gold highlights (shining/burnished), and chainmail on the leadbelcher.
3) Screaming skull on the browns and purity seals. Followed by devlan mud wash, and rehighlighting.
4) Red Gore on the reds, followed by bright orange highlights.
Then it's cleanup and minor details. Either way, he's getting close. Hope to be done half the templars this week.
Their main purpose is just to act as a solid object to help mix the paint. Helps a lot in consistency on the metallic pots. Especially if they are a bit older. (The older the GW batch, the thicker they seem).
Few more washes, and some detail on the faces (teeth/eyes) and metallics, and they'll be good to go!