Quick weekend update for you all! I had a very productive weekend in terms of both house work and hobby work. Got an entire bathroom repainted (including the taping and painting of all the trim), cut up an imperial knight, painted bases for said knights, and ten shoota boyz. Transferred and cut up the old boyz bases and got them onto the new ones. Few! It's what you have been waiting for! Did the torso chopping work? Well I'm happy to say it did! My theory on the line being a good grab point for the saw was spot on. It was relatively easy (though time consuming) to cut down across the line. Here is how it's looking with one chopped. (so those who don't know what a knight looks like can tell the difference). I still need to sand up the sides a bit, but I was excited so snapped a quick photo. I also marked the little nub I'm going to cut off as well. My main goal is to give a different "table" presence with the ork knights. I don't want the same dung beetle carapace structure to read, and want them to look different at just a glance. Here is both sides chopped. I also found that the ork flyer cockpit fits perfectly under the open hatch, so I think I'm just going to have him exposed piloting from right there, with his head sticking out. :) I might do something with a grot turret holding a thousand missiles on the back end as well. Will see. The left shoulder is from the stompa, the right is from a mega dread. Going to fiddle and see which one I like best. I picked up two stompa "misc bits" as they sell for pretty cheap on ebay, so will mirror the design somewhat across the two. Already pretty happy with how much different it looks. Just having the exposed support structure there really breaks it up from above. Shot of the painted dragonforge bases and the relevant shoota boyz on them. Just painted them to match the display board. Eventually I'll add detail to these! One last bit! From playtesting the army, i found the big shootas really didn't do much. Sure I could constantly plink away at range, but it was never game changing. Because of that, I wanted to swap nine shootas back to rokkit's. As you can imagine this is a ton of work (and bitz) if you do this the normal way....but then I thought...hey, ork weapons never make any sense! They'd probably just stick a rokkit on the end of the gun (rifle grenades). So quick drill into the barrels, a quick pin (those pins will be glued into the rokkits at the end), and plink some rokkits in. Instant rokkit with almost no work. That's it for the Monday update! Hope you all had a great weekend!
January 2025