Greetings my friend! I finished the main assembly of the deathguard force. (Minus the FW bits). Just in time for a test game on Saturday! Doesn't look like much for 1850 points! (The point amounts for Nova changed this year, so I had to adapt). It's good I am bringing a new army, because the ork walkers don't work at 1850 points! So first off, you'll probably notice...greg, what the heck are those bikes in the corner? Those are my stand in bikes. You see, I really dislike the standard space marine bikes. They just look so fugly. Now these heresy era bikes? WAY cooler. So I'm waiting for them to arrive. Using stand ins for now. You'll also see the single spawn (i have to take) in the list there. I'm using a plague drone model, and will be grubbin it up with all sorts of fun limbs and probably some green stuff :). A quick look at the troops. I painted the bases different colors to help differentiate the squads during the game, since most are just carbon copies of one another. (with subtle differences you can't really see at distance). I'm going to have to come up with some clever way of doing different shoulder pad combination/colors to make them all look different once painted up! The guys in the back without arms are getting FW autocannons. I didn't want to setup the arms before I had the cannons in. The hvy bolter guys might swap for cannons as well, they are just lightly tact'd in place. I also made some cards for the army, since it is new, and I will need help remembering the rules! That's all for this week. I found my nova 2016 battle photos, so I should be throwing up some walker action next week on monday! Tune in then! Thanks for visiting!
January 2025