Welcome friends and all the new visitors! I'm back from adepticon and boy did I have an incredible time! I'm going to do things a bit backwards this time, and start off with all the wonderful army photos, then add the articles about my time at the event later in the week. It'll be a non stop posting fest of adepticon goodness, so hold on to your warbikes! I went a bit nuts this time, and took around 1200 photos, so get ready for some incredible armies! The above image pretty much sums up how awesome adepticon is. You have to go. Just go. I will be guest writing an article on house of paincakes to tell you all why you should be at that awesome wonderful events! But for now, please enjoy the fruits of my endless photo labors :). Did you not see your army? Don't worry! This is "Just" the grand tournament. I also have battle photos during the four games, the friendly, the team tournament, the 40k draft, combat patrol, 30k, highlander, and classic. Plenty more to come guys!
January 2025