Welcome my friends! I hope your wrists haven't been cramping up from all the painting you've been doing! (Mine sure have!). I had a very busy weekend, getting an enormous amount of work done on the ork vehicles. Just a few left and everything is ready for Nova! First up was the Mega dread. This dread needed some serious work. It had zero metallic blocking done, so took a good few hours just to pick out metallic bits to break up the yellows. Here is the before! And here is the after. I've gotten slightly carried away with the bright chips, but I think it works really well on the tabletop (not so much for the display). Since these are definitely army models, I'm going with bigger contrasts and less subtlety. Next up is the battlewagon. Here is the before! Here is the after! No crew at the moment, did not have time to redo those. Most likely will be the next thing I hit up in the future! Unlike the crew on the gork/mork, I would have to redo the crew from scratch. So next time! Next up is the three buggies from mantic! These kits were horrible (early privateer press plastic/resin hybrid style). I didn't bother spending too much time cleaning them, as there were gaps, miscasts, horrible mouldlines, and warped parts. Luckily most of the weathering covered it all up! Currently working on the final battlewagon, the display board, a rework of the killa kans, some refresh of the gretchin, and a bit of work on the grot knight (i never matte varnished it!). Few! Hope your painting is going easier!
January 2025