Dan dropped some of his supporting troops, and instead took a baneblade of death. All his chimeras have melta and melta bombs galore. If you can't already tell, this is going to be a very loose battle report. Just photos and a short summary. Btw those pink transports? That is our actual mission. If we get the transport to the other side of the board, we get primary objective points. The little orange guys are civilians. We can either kill them (infamy points), or save them (fame points). Which goes towards a special award at the end of the tournament.
Turn 1
In return, i run most of the mob forward, and fire a bunch with the one knights gattling gun, knocking a gun off one of the tanks. I also assault a few of the civilians, using them to slingshot the walkers forward. Dan is a bit worried at this point, as he hasn't done much to slow down the walkers (the bane blade was far less effective then he thought)...and now he has a giant wall of Str 10 ap2/ap1 and str D facing down his tanks.
Turn 2
Turn 3/4
With everything to lose, dan fires everything he has at the one knight in CC with the baneblade. I make every ion shield save.
As always, it is an absolute joy to play vs dan, as we both hurl insults at one another and have a jolly good drinking time. I definitely think if I run this list in the future, I'm going to swap to morkanauts with shields, and just have the two knights CC only. That gun on the grot knight is ridiculous. Thanks for reading! I'll be posting these up every week!