The knight explodes. I roll a 6 on the explosion chart. I wound every single thing in range. Speeders explode. EVERY SINGLE BIKE DIES.
We are both shocked. The orks were at 50% at that moment, and the explosion decimates his entire line and swings the game back in my favor.
The orks rally and push forward. Bikes start dying en mass. The other knight chops down his stalkers. Killa kans explode. Deff dreads are immobilized. He kills my HQ. I fly towards his.
It's turn 5. Everything is on the wire. I am winning. He has just his HQ, the HQ squad, a speeder, and a lone bike left. He turboboosts the lone bike to stand next to the killa kan holding the objective. His HQ group goes to block the objective by the knight. Suddenly I'm losing...but his units are in a death zone for the remaining ork units. As long as the game continues, I'll have it!!!!!!
I roll to continue. I roll a 1. Game ends at turn 5. White scars win by the skin of their teeth!
Such an awesome awesome game. I wish I had taken more photos, but sometimes when you are having that much fun, you just forget. Great player (I'll update his name later when I'm home, I think it was chavez). We had such a blast, and the game was so so so close. Had it continued to six, the orks had it in the bag.
Thanks for reading everyone! Sorry for the lack of photos! Next Bat rep is Trust in Rust vs Mechanicum!