Dread Mob vs Steel Host!

Narrative Rules/Supplements |
Primary Objectives: KILL KILL KILL
Secondary Objectives: Yelling, Drinking, Balling so Hard
Tertiary Objectives: Points destroyed.
Deployment: Vanguard
Nightfighting: YES!

Trust in Rust |

Dan's Steel Host! |
Nightfighting was on....I tried to seize.
Turn 1: So many Tanks!
A group of melta addicts fired upon Sergeant Banana's ride, and he watched its legs come to a screeching halt (immobilized). As if to add insult to injury, the other giant gorkanaut was damaged and immobilized as well, stopping the ork advance in it's tracks! (This has never happened to me ever!). Big Mek Rick Roll swore to repair his favorite behemoth!
The wyverns fired on the ork bikers, who dipped, ducked, and dodged just like they practiced vs wrenches, but took a series of dodge balls to their lesser members, leaving only the warboss, the big mek, and the painboy left. They shouted in righteous anger for Francis, Bo Pew Pew, and Exhaust Pume Patty who would no longer share in their endless krumping joy. Talk about a brutal ork turn!
Turn 2: The Orks Yell a Lot and Drink Even More!
The immobilized walkers scream in protest and start spitting bullets and rounds across the board. Big Mek "Never Gonna Let You Down" zooms over and tries to repair the immobilized Gorkinator. He rams his bike into it's legs (the best way he knows how to fix it), but has no effect. The deff dreads and killa kans smash into the hydra, chimeras, while Big Boss Muffin Smasher slams into one of the wyverns. The effect on the vehicles is one sided, but none are outright destroyed (immobilized rules on multiple). The orks brace for another round of firepower.
In retribution to their fallen comrades, the deff dread ripped the hydra apart, and stood on it's wrecked hull, bellowing a challenge. But the speakers werne't working, so nobody heard him. The warboss ripped straight through the wyvern and zoomed towards the next one...
Turn 3: For Bob and Steve!!!
Firing from killa kans stripped hull points off tanks, and blew a chimera sky high. One deff dread tripped and immobilized himself.
The warboss and painboy zoomed forward once again, leaping high over terrain (and making a 10 inch charge), to slam into the command tanks. THIS IS FOR BOB! He screamed as his buzz saw bit into the lead tank, and he drove right through both behemoths in a shower of exploding ammunition and fuel. When the smoke cleared, there was only a beautiful twisted hulk of metal in the shape of the lost gretchin, and a smiling warboss.
The big mek turned from the walkers leg to see a bright flash, as plasma engulfed him and wiped him from existence. But at least he'd meet Bob who owed him five bucks. The tide was shifting again with the arrival of two Guard tanks on the ork's far flank. With back armor exposed, these tanks quickly make quick work of a killa kan and the big mek!
Turn 4: Really Dan? You're Going to Shoot More of My Gretchin???
The painboy follows, doing nothing but constantly pumping him of orkernade. The last remaining deff dread blows something up...because that is what deff dreads do! The last remaining group of gretchin are terrified at what happened to their friends, and just want to go home to Sam's surprise baby shower. He's going to be the proud father of exactly 20 gretchin.
And in other news, it appears that plasma executioners don't like str 10 ap1 claws. The remaining killa kan on that side shakes the last remaining tank on the right flank. You know, it's the tank nobody takes because it has an autocannon as it's main gun.
The other big walker (who can't move, and now can't be repaired), kills a few guardsmen as they run for cover.
The autocannon tank backs up, takes aim, and blows up the last killa kan...ensuring their slaughter of the gretchin was full and complete.
Turn 5: Endless Metal Showers
Primary: Both of us maxed our primary scores.
Secondary: Both of us maxed drinking, yelling, and having fun scores.
Tertiary: Points...Orks still had around 875ish points remaining (2 gorks (1 hp left each), two deff dread (1 hp left each), the warboss (2W left), and the painboy (1W left).) AM had a punisher, and 3 vets left. (240ish).
Winner Orks!!!!!!!!
But in terms of the campaign, nothing happened, as the campaign shifts based on who wins primary, and we tied primary AND secondary!
MVP goes to Dan for being such an amazing and awesome opponent, and giving me one hell of a game! We'll be rematching in the future, and will see how AM does when the orks don't seize on that critical roll :)