Dark Angels "Gets Hot" vs Trust in Rust Walkers
Trios Rules Primer |
Primary: Relic, Objectives, Linebreaker, Slay the Warlord, First Blood
Deployment: Dawn of War
Nightfighting: Yes
Trust in Rust 2k |
Dark Angels and AM 2k |
Turn 1: The Delicious Pods Arrive
So down comes the pods. Out comes the marines. Seb shifts his forces forward. He's hoping to stall the walkers long enough to grab the shiny thing and run away with it. The pod doors pop open. The marines with hundreds, if not thousands of years of training take aim. They pull the plasma triggers with giant walkers in their sights.
Then frank sneezes, and shoots Sam in the foot, causing Sam to lose his balance and wipe out Frank. Francis, seeing his buddies die, immediately takes aim in retribution, and promptly shoots Bob in the back.
I'm not kidding guys. In the opening shots of this 40k game...Seb promptly rolls more 1's for plasma shots I've ever seen...followed by 1's and 2's for his armor saves. He loses three plasma marines in the opening salvo. (across the two pods) I'd like to thank the grots for infiltrating the DA ships and "adjusting" the plasma containment fields for this one.
On the orks turn, we clunk forward, and rip the nearby drop pod to shreds, and wipe out the entire tactical squad except for one fellow who makes a run for it. (first blood orks). Some shooting happens...but hey it's ork shooting...why do I even bother with guns?
Turn 2: Krump Krump Krump
Seb's reserves come in, including the terminators, and valk with demo team. Seb has a much stronger turn this time, only killing another space marine, and a biker with his get hots rolls. (I kid you not, it was comical at this point. That's 5 plasma tottin units that died to his own rolling...which is a lot of str 7 ap2 to lose (bane of killa kans and deff dreads). We are having a blast though, and Seb is an awesome opponent even when he is killing his own guys.
The rest of seb's shooting wipes out a killa kan, stuns a deff dread, and may have put a wound or two on the bikers. (He had a str 4 mortar which only had the bikers as targets on 5's to wound). The demo guys drop out of the valk, and land on target, and prep for a turn 3 assault, using the bikers as cover.
The Dark angels have seen better days, and Seb's rolling is testing their faith! I consolidate the mega dread back, in case the demo guys wipe the meka dread. (also I'm scared of terminators after my LVO matchup)
Turn 3/4: The Rusting!
Seb throws everything he can at me...but without the five plasma guns he shot at his own guys, he just doesn't have the anti armor punch he needs. But wait...not all is lost. Here come the demo squads! Melta guns fire...one misses, but one hits home...pens....and the mek riding in the meka laughs as it shears off a piece of equipment that wasn't actually connected to anything. (made the invuln save ramshackle). Then the brave (and they are crazy brave) soldiers charge the meka dread to cover it in beautiful explosion presents.
The meka dread doesn't believe in gift giving, and showers the squad with the blood of four of their brethern. The remaining melta bombs are not enough to stop the meka, and he completely wipes the squad. With the loss of the melta bomb squad, there is not much left on the table that can hurt the army. We play out the remaining rounds in quick fashion, and just enjoy chatting and rolling dice.
Orks win through Rustification!
Hope you guys enjoyed the first bat rep. I'm going to try and do another one this week if I have time...Trust in Rust vs Colin's Daemon Walkers!