Welcome my friends, to another completed post! This one took months and months of time to figure out and get done properly. It's my most complex model to date, with the most modification, and my first time painting blue!
Hey everyone! Had a productive weekend. Was able to finish my last unit of grots, bringing my total to 30. (so I can run 3x10 for 6 CP). I got little movement trays for them as well, so setup and use of them should be pretty simple and quick on the table top. (everyone knows I hate moving infantry models...give me giant bases!)
Hey everyone! Though I haven't been blogging as often, I've been crazy active on twitter and instagram. Trying to figure out a way where I can update all locations at once, so it isn't as much work to constantly ping between them. I might start using the blog for finished pieces, and the recipes for making said pieces, along with major events. Kinda of a repository of where the armies of Greggles is going, and where Greggles has gone! With that being said, I've got some photos of one of the projects I just finished.
Welcome my friends! This post covers the remaining battles of trust and rust, and my adepticon 2018 journey! For my birthday this year, I got a half sized tablewar case. (to go with my mini tablewar case). I had heard it can fit in the overhead bin on most aircraft, so went about fitting a list into it. Boy those walkers are huge!
Hey my friends! Short little battle report for you today. I was able to play a few games with my good friend Scott from brushwizard on an amazing table, so snagged a few photos for you all to enjoy. If you just want to see the photos in their full res (well half res, as I always cut the camera res in half before I upload, else it takes forever), just visit the imgur link below. Otherwise just browse the photos while I ramble on about things.
Hey everyone! Sorry for my long absence. Got a lot to catch up on over the next few posts. Hope you are all still around and watching! First off, I apologize again for lack of posting! After Nova I had a nasty case of RSI in my wrists, and couldn't paint, or clean models without some sort of pain. I decided to take an extended hobby break, and concentrated on other avenues such as playing lots of video games. I also participated in a charity tournament with Sincain40k, which I took photos of and never uploaded. (We went 2-1 in that tournament!). To start off with, lets do all the Adepticon Photos!
Hey everyone! Sorry I've been lazy with posting lately. I always have a big hobby breather after Nova where i give myself time to recover from the months of non stop painting. Been playing lots of video games (I was on a video game hiatus during the ork paint-a-thon), and just finished divinity original sin 2, and Mordor shadow of war. Todd over sincain40k told me about a charity tournament our friends Colin, Jason, and Joe were running up and Philly, so I'll be attending that in a few weeks. Check it out if you are interested! Until then, hope everyone is doing well!
Welcome my friends! Now that I had some time to recoup from the wonderful time at Nova, I can start working on my battle reports and great times I had there! First off, I'm going to put all the bat reps in a single post. I didn't go nuts taking photos of the games this year, (and some were short!), So I'll just combine them all into one mega post. Second...once again the Narrative did not disappoint. It was a wonderful time! I am also proud to say that I actually placed this year in the army painting competition...and not only placed, but took first! The second place went to Dave's amazing freehand painted inquisition army. With a tie for second (or third) going to Christopher Stover and his amazing Tau army! (Including a Manta!!!) Chris's army is missing some of its components, as I didn't get a snap of it all setup. Supposedly the judging was really close, I'm glad to have competed against such beautiful painters! (These were not all the competing armies, just the top 3) Now onto the battle reports I'm sure you are all curious about. Spoiler alert, I went 4-3 for the event, and ended up 6th out of 72!
Welcome back my friends. Hope you are enjoying the photos! The last batch is a combination of photos I took during the narrative, and of photos I took with my cell phone. I'm not trying to organize these too much, as it takes an enormous amount of time to do so, and I'd rather just relax. (It already took an enormous amount of time to take 600 photos!). Hope you enjoy them slightly out of order non the less! Thanks for stopping by!
Hey everyone! Here are all the remaining photos I took of the events. Classes and the Narrative event sucked up lots of time, so I did my best to get as many photos of armies as I could. If I missed you, I'm sorry! Enjoy the photos!
Welcome friends! Just got back from the Nova Open! Will be uploading all the photos today and tomorrow. Hope you enjoy them! I had a fantastic time and can't wait to go back next year! This first batch is from the 31st, including the Invitational, Trios, and Some 30k. Heresy events were happening nearly all the time, so when I had a chance, I swung by and took some photos. So generally if you see 30k stuff, it's from their events (Though one particular super heavy tank was very popular in the GT).
Hello my friends! After I last left you off, I had dropped my powershot s110 and broken the lens. It's replacement arrived, so I snagged some photos of the cart before packing it up for Nova! Enjoy!
Welcome my friends! It is done! I've finished my entire painting task list! And boy am I exhausted! (No seriously, I am spent! That is a LOT to paint!)
Welcome my friends! I hope your wrists haven't been cramping up from all the painting you've been doing! (Mine sure have!). I had a very busy weekend, getting an enormous amount of work done on the ork vehicles. Just a few left and everything is ready for Nova! First up was the Mega dread. This dread needed some serious work. It had zero metallic blocking done, so took a good few hours just to pick out metallic bits to break up the yellows.
Welcome my friends. Nova is rapidly approaching (it's just next week!), and all the grots and meks have been hard at work in the Greggles household. As I get closer to the end, these posts explode with models, as I'm not really posting all the sweat, beer, and tears wip's that went into them! First up, the new improved Zhardsnark Biker Boss!
January 2025